Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Why is Wheel Alignment Critical?

You must have noticed other vehicles taking sides on the road. Or it must have happened with your vehicle too. Ever thought why does it happen? Wheel alignment is quite a common term that you often get to hear from the mechanic at your local repair centre. It’s not just the tyres of your vehicle that need your care, but your wheels to need the same amount of attention. 

For a layman, it just means that your tyres and wheels are all moving in the same direction. With continuous driving, wheels get misaligned. Even the slightest misalignment can cause severe troubles in the performance of the car. If not corrected immediately, it can even cause accidents later. The handling of your vehicle may become an issue for you. Let’s understand what wheel alignment and the benefits it carries is. 

What Is Wheel Alignment?

Wheel alignment Birmingham refers to adjusting the angles of the tyres with that of the wheels. It’s making some adjustments with the suspension of the car, as that’s the connection between the vehicle and the wheels. This adjustment decides how these tyres make contact with the roads. For optimum performance, all four wheels have to be aligned properly and that too in the same direction. 

You can even do a simple test on the road itself to check if your wheels are correctly aligned. As you drive, keep your vehicle straight and take your hands off the steering for a few seconds. If your vehicle remains in a line, that means everything is working fine.  

Vehicle owners often overlook wheel alignment. So this blog is going to educate you about the benefits of wheel alignment. 

Advantages of Wheel Alignment

Alignment Improves Fuel Efficiency

When wheels are correctly aligned, the power and the torque spread evenly. That means you’re wasting less energy while driving. Less consumption of energy leads to less usage of fuel.

Smooth Ride

When you’re behind the wheel, you quickly understand that your vehicle is taking sides. You can see it going left or right. When wheels are aligned, they ease off the experience of driving. 

Tyre Longevity

Misaligned wheels wear out faster. Premature ageing of the wheels is a common problem in this case. If misalignment is not rectified on time, you can end up buying new tyres. That is going to cost you a lot of money. 

Enhanced Steering

Steering becomes an issue when the wheels are misaligned. It becomes challenging for you to steer the vehicle as you might find going your vehicle at an awkward angle on the road. It can even take control of your vehicle. Alignment provides stability to your vehicle. 

Fewer Repairs

Misaligned tyres lead to further damage to the cars. When your vehicle hits a pothole or a kerb, it worsens the condition of tyres on the road. This can even damage the suspension system of the car. Getting your wheels aligned on time leads to fewer repairs on the vehicle. That means you save a lot of money later on. 

Safety to other Components of the Car

Wheel alignment Birmingham is not just about wheels. It’s also connected with brakes and suspension. If the alignment is not working correctly, every system of the car is under strain. It can cause even more damage to the vehicle.

Safety on the Road

That’s something we all can understand by now. Alignment provides support to the vehicle and safety on the roads. When your vehicle is moving in one line, you have better control over it. That means you’re able to handle it better. No matter whatever the condition of the roads, alignment helps you in everything. 

Wheel alignment is an essential aspect of car servicing, and you shouldn’t ignore it whatsoever. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Winter Tyres With Their Amazing Benefits

Your tyres have to perform under different weather conditions. Sometimes, they run on ice and next time have to cross an area filled with rainwater. Therefore, it is necessary that a tyre has specific features to cope with severe weather conditions.

However, it is just not possible to make ideal tyres that are usable in both hot and cold weather. Therefore, tyre makers make different tyres for different seasons. Summer tyres are made for hot weather and winter tyres are used in cold conditions.

The tread pattern used in the tyres supports driving in the winter season. Deeper grooves in the tyres let the tyre hold and cut the snow effectively. Moreover, winter tyres are available with exceptional water dispersing ability along with optimum grip on the snowy surfaces.

If we talk about the material, tyre makers use specialised rubber material that maintains the flexibility of the tyres while the temperature is below 7 degrees Celsius.

The most common benefit of winter tyres is a proper grip on the snowy surfaces. Deep channels are filled with ice and snow to cause a sticky effect to maintain a proper grip on the roads.

Normally, a tyre would start to wear severely during cold conditions but winter tyres with unique materials do not wear faster in the winter months.

Are Winter Tyres Suitable for You?

Look at the climatic conditions around you. If you observe the weather correctly, you will be able to determine easily whether you need winter tyres or not.

However, in some countries, winter tyres are compulsory for drivers but in the UK, people do not experience severe winters, so the government does not consider the winter tyres compulsory for the drivers. Still, many drivers buy a new set of winter tyres every year. So, if you think winter tyres would be a beneficial deal. Just go for it.

If you travel a lot for commercial purposes and have to manage severe wintery conditions, you may go for winter tyres. Most drivers living in moderate weather conditions use all-season tyres. However, you have to consider that all-season tyres are ineffective during severe winter conditions.

Is It Possible to Use Winter Tyres in the Summer Season?

You have to remember that winter tyres are not all-season tyres.

If you use winter tyres in the summer season, they will wear out at a faster rate due to unsupported design and material. Moreover, they will not perform optimally in terms of grip and traction. It means you have no benefits of using winter tyres in the summer season. So, using winter tyres in summer months is a waste of time.

How to Store Winter Tyres?

If you have sets of Car Tyres Birmingham to use in summer and winter seasons, you must store winter tyres for summer months.

You need to store them carefully. Generally, placing them on top of each other is not recommended.

Store the tyres in a closed area due to the effects of severe cold weather.

Before you finally store your tyres, wrap them in plastic sacks.

Finally, Winter Tyres Birmingham are great to use in cold conditions but you have considered your goals before you finally buy your new tyres.

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