Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tyre Maintenance: Points To Keep In Mind

Tyres are one of the most important components of a vehicle, and they contribute to the overall safety of the vehicle. As soon as you see the signs of wear of tyres, you must take your vehicle to a mechanic or a garage and get it fixed. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to maintain the condition of your Pirelli Tyres Birmingham.

Tread Depth

Tread depth is one of the components in a tyre that plays a very important role in ensuring safety. Adequate tread depth in a tyre provides good traction, proper braking distance etc.

While driving regularly, the tread depth starts to wear down. Another reason for wearing tread depth is rash driving affecting the tyres.

A coin test is a test done by people on the tyres to understand if the tread depth of the tyre is correct or not. Insert a one rupee coin in the grooves of the tyre.

If the maximum part of the coin gets inside the grooves, then you have an adequate tread depth. If you are able to see only the outer line of the coin, it means that you should get your tyres replaced as they are not safe to drive with.

Tyre Pressure 

Tyre pressure on inflation is another significant aspect you should look out for regularly to ensure the proper maintenance of your tyres. 

Tyres tend to lose air pressure even if they are not in use. Both underinflated and overinflated tyres are dangerous in terms of the safety of the vehicle. 

You can also refer to the vehicle manual, in which you can find out the amount of air pressure that suits your tyre. Moreover, you can also refer to the driver's side door, where the accurate tyre pressure for your tyres is printed.

Properly inflated tyres provide you with good fuel economy, easy handling of the vehicle, more braking and accelerating distance, overall increased safety and quality of the ride. 

Under-inflated tyres: many times, people drive with their tyres underinflated by over 20%, but it goes without notice. Driving regularly underinflated tyres can cause the tyres to damage further.

It results in faster wear and Tear of the tyres. The tyres can even get punctured while driving due to less air pressure and more heat present in them. If your tyres are underinflated, you may notice:

  • Discomfort while turning the vehicle because of unresponsiveness.
  • Tyres might not respond faster to the acceleration.
  • Increase in fuel consumption.

This is because due to less air pressure in the tyres, they require more energy than before to respond to the acceleration and braking while driving.

Over-inflated tyres: overinflation in the tyres also poses used difficulties while writing. Especially while facing potholes or heavy bumps on the road, the vehicle loses control faster than before. Overinflation also contributes to the faster bearing of Tyres Online Birmingham.

While driving on a long route or highway, the heat generated in the tyres can get mixed up with the extra air pressure and can cause the tyre to burst.

When there is extra air present in the tyres, the part of the tyre that is in direct touch with the surface tends to decrease. It can cause huge problems while turning the vehicle.

Wheel Alignment

Apart from proper inflation in the tyres, proper wheel alignment can also help improve tyres' life. While most people try to avoid potholes, curves and other obstacles that may damage their wheels and tyres, some people still drive harshly on roads without giving due importance to safety.

These obstacles can damage the wheel rims, which are very difficult to repair. If your vehicle is in improper alignment, it may cause great difficulties while driving, such as:

  • Vibration in the steering wheel and the vehicle while driving.
  • Vehicle moving in different directions and inability to run in a straight line.
  • Drifting of the vehicle as soon as you put your hands away from the wheel.
  • Uneven wearing of tyres.
  • Improper handling of the steering wheel.

Tyre Maintenance: Points To Keep In Mind

Tyres are one of the most important components of a vehicle, and they contribute to the overall safety of the vehicle. As soon as you see th...